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Ideas for keeping on track

Don't underestimate the power of relaxation! Relaxing helps lower cortisol in your body, which in turn helps with fat loss.

You don't have to meditate. Just put some of your favourite, calm music on & lie down for 5 mins (set an alarm so you don't fall asleep or have to keep checking the time). Try not to think about anything...just listen to your breath...

...if your mind keeps wandering, use this mantra;

I am calm, I am relaxed.


So many combinations for breakfast but try to avoid cereals. They send your hormones on a roller-coaster ride. Fill up at your first meal so you don't have a mid-morning dip. Breakfast can be lunch inventive.

Smoked salmon wrapped asparagus Sweet pepper omelettes Mushrooms, wilted spinach & pine nuts or Why not chicken & broccoli?

If savoury really isn't your thing go for nuts & berries or chia seed or quinoa 'porridge' or pancakes made with chickpea flour (aka gram flour) but make sure you get a form of protein to keep you going until lunch. Bacon is a rare treat for me but I still love it occasionally!

Below; Prawn tamarind stir-fry If you're not full after eating, you've not had enough veg! So make it big. What you see here is for one 😏

Don't eat or like prawns...replace them with some sesame seeds or cashew nuts.

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